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Understanding and Using Negative Keywords


Ever wonder why your ads sometimes show up for searches that have nothing to do with your business? That’s where negative keywords come in. As someone who’s optimized countless ad campaigns, I can tell you that mastering negative keywords is like finding a secret weapon for your PPC strategy. Let’s dive into what they are, why they matter, and how to use them effectively.

What Are Negative Keywords?

Negative keywords are terms that prevent your ad from being triggered by a certain word or phrase. They tell the ad platform “Don’t show my ad when this keyword is used.”

Why Negative Keywords Matter

Understanding and using negative keywords is crucial because they:

  • Prevent wasted ad spend
  • Improve click-through rates (CTR)
  • Boost your Quality Score
  • Increase your return on ad spend (ROAS)

Types of Negative Keywords

  1. Broad Match: Excludes searches that include your negative keyword, regardless of order
  2. Phrase Match: Excludes searches that include the exact phrase of your negative keyword
  3. Exact Match: Excludes searches that exactly match your negative keyword

Pro Tip: Start with broad match negative keywords, then refine with phrase and exact match as you gather more data.

How to Find Negative Keywords

1. Brainstorming

Think about terms related to your product or service that you don’t want to target.

2. Search Term Reports

Review the actual searches that triggered your ads to find irrelevant terms.

3. Keyword Research Tools

Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find related terms you might want to exclude.

4. Competitor Analysis

Look at your competitors’ ads to see what terms they might be excluding.

Implementing Negative Keywords

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Access your ad platform (e.g., Google Ads, Bing Ads)
  2. Navigate to the Keywords section
  3. Find the Negative Keywords tab
  4. Add your negative keywords at the campaign or ad group level
  5. Choose the match type (broad, phrase, or exact)
  6. Save your changes

Best Practices for Using Negative Keywords

  1. Start Broad, Then Refine: Begin with broad match negatives, then narrow down as you collect data.
  2. Use Different Levels: Apply some negatives at the campaign level and others at the ad group level.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Review and update your negative keyword list regularly.
  4. Consider Intent: Be careful not to exclude terms that might indicate buying intent.
  5. Use Negative Keyword Lists: Create lists for different themes that you can apply across campaigns.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Over-Excluding: Be careful not to exclude too many terms and limit your reach.
  2. Ignoring Plurals and Misspellings: Remember to account for variations of your negative keywords.
  3. Forgetting About Synonyms: Consider all possible ways someone might search for something you want to exclude.
  4. Not Checking for Conflicts: Ensure your negative keywords don’t conflict with your positive keywords.

Advanced Strategies

Competitive Exclusion

Use brand names of competitors as negative keywords if you’re not trying to compete directly.

Tiered Bidding

Use negative keywords to funnel searches to the most appropriate ad groups.

Seasonal Adjustments

Add or remove negative keywords based on seasonal trends.

Measuring the Impact of Negative Keywords

Keep an eye on these metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your negative keywords:

MetricWhat It Tells You
CTRShould increase as you exclude irrelevant searches
Conversion RateShould improve as traffic becomes more relevant
Average CPCMay decrease as you improve your Quality Score
Impression ShareMight decrease, but should lead to more efficient spend

Platform-Specific Considerations

Google Ads

  • Utilize the Keyword Planner and Search Terms Report
  • Take advantage of shared negative keyword lists

Microsoft Advertising

  • Import negative keywords from Google Ads
  • Use the Competition tab to find potential negative keywords

Amazon Advertising

  • Focus on excluding irrelevant product categories
  • Use negative phrase match for more precise control

Wrapping Up

Negative keywords are a powerful tool in your PPC toolkit. They help you fine-tune your campaigns, ensuring your ads reach the right audience and your budget is spent efficiently. Remember, managing negative keywords is an ongoing process – keep refining and optimizing for the best results.


Q: How many negative keywords should I use? A: There’s no magic number. Start with the most obvious ones and add more as you analyze your campaign performance.

Q: Can negative keywords improve my Quality Score? A: Yes, by improving the relevance of your ads to search queries, negative keywords can positively impact your Quality Score.

Q: Should I use the same negative keywords for all my campaigns? A: While some negative keywords might apply across all campaigns, it’s best to tailor your list to each campaign’s specific goals and target audience.

Q: Can I add negative keywords at the account level? A: In Google Ads, you can create account-level negative keyword lists that can be applied to multiple campaigns.

Q: How often should I review my negative keywords? A: For active campaigns, review your search term report weekly or bi-weekly to identify new negative keywords to add.

Remember, mastering negative keywords is an ongoing process. Stay vigilant, keep analyzing, and you’ll see your campaigns become more targeted and efficient over time!

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